Focus Areas

Key Focus Areas for Leap Consulting PLC

Agriculture and Environment: agricultural production (crop, horticulture, spices, poultry, dairy, beef, fish) and value-chain assessment; climate smart crop, horticulture and livestock production; seed system development analysis; food and nutrition security analysis; forage and feed resources; agro-processing and value addition; food systems and circular economy; plant and animal diseases and insect pest risk assessment; adoption of crop, livestock and natural resource management technologies; rural development; rangeland management; organic agriculture; natural resource management; Sustainable Agriculture; environment pollution assessment; biodiversity conservation; and monitoring, evaluation and learning.

Business and Economics: Socio-economic analysis, policy and development; business strategy and plan development; project management; human resource capacity development and management; organizational management; financial management; procurement and property management; management and accounting information system; business risk and marketing management; entrepreneurship; cooperatives and micro-business development; change and organization management; and  communication management

Education and Social Development: quality education; curriculum development and evaluation/measurement; educational inputs, delivery and learning-teaching environment; access and inclusive education; educational and social psychology; adult education and community development; educational leadership and management; higher education governance and leadership; TVET education challenges and opportunities; primary and secondary school improvement; gender and development; peace and conflict management; children, women and youth issues; population dynamics; climate change and disaster risk management; heritage management; tourism and hotel management; and language and communication.

Public Health: human nutrition; assessment of public risks to infectious and non-infectious diseases; health service management information system; quality and access to health services; health inputs (supply), service delivery and environment; health service management and leadership.

Information Communication Technology (ICT): e-learning, e-commerce, digital human resource, e-banking and finance, enterprise resource planning, property and transport management system applications development; health service management system; digital literacy, Information Systems development, automation and digitization of Information Centers, digital and precision agriculture; and early warning systems; applications of Artificial intelligence in transporation, agriculture, environment, business, education and health .